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FREE Health News! Subscribe to World's Healthiest News to get the latest natural health insights from international best-selling & 20-time health book author, Dr. Michelle Schoffro Cook, PhD, DNM. Each edition features concise information you can immediately use to boost your energy, supercharge your immune system, look great and feel great. You'll find delicious and nutritious recipes, research on nutrition, disease-prevention, and healing. You'll also get exclusive deals on some of your favorite health products--all from a source you can trust...and at a price you can't beat--FREE! Subscribe now. Dr. Michelle Schoffro Cook and World's Healthiest News respect your privacy. Your name and e-mail will never be sold or provided to third-parties.
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About Dr. Michelle Schoffro Cook

Dr. Michelle Schoffro Cook

Dr. Michelle Schoffro Cook is an international bestselling book author and one of the world’s most popular natural health bloggers. She is the author of several best-selling books, including: 60 Seconds to Slim (over 100,000 copies sold), Be Your Own Herbalist, The Ultimate pH Solution, and The 4-Week Ultimate Body Detox Plan. Her books are distributed worldwide and have been translated into more than a dozen languages.

As one of the world’s leading natural health authorities, her websites and are popular health and food-growing sites. She shares her food growing, cooking, preserving, and other food self-sufficiency adventures at

She writes approximately 200 blogs annually for the world’s largest health and environmental website,, which currently has an audience of over 50 million readers. Her articles have been featured on/in: Yahoo Shine, Yahoo Green, Mother Earth Living, Mother Earth News, Fermentation, Huffington Post, and many other popular sites.

She has also been featured in Woman’s World magazine’s “Ask America’s Ultimate Experts” column, First for Women, Closer magazine, WebMD,, and many other publications.

Subscribe to her FREE e-newsletter World’s Healthiest News for lots of exciting health information, recipes, tips, and special offers.

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